- Why can’t I place an order on our website?
It sometimes happens, especially in older versions of Internet Explorer, under certain circumstances. If you tried to place an order by means this browser and did not succeed, try to access the website using another browser, such as FireFox, Google Chrome or Opera. This should help.
- How to place an order on our website?
Please, check the section “How to order”.
- What is the minimum order amount?
For the first order the minimum order amount is 5 U.S. dollars. For the second and subsequent orders, the minimum amount of orders is 8 U.S. dollars.
- Why do the prices at our pharmacy differ from the prices at offline pharmacies?
We try to keep attractive prices for our customers, so the prices for drugs on our website are valid and apply only to online orders made on My Canadian Pharmacy and may differ from the prices for drugs in other online and offline pharmacies.
- What are the guarantees that your product is authentic and of high quality?
Drug ordering service is supplied by the largest supplier of medicines and health products to Canadian and U.S. pharmaceutical market and has been operating for over 20 years. Therefore, we offers only registered and certified products supplied directly from manufacturers, carefully complies with all storage conditions and transportation and has its own control system.
- If I received the message “Your order number **** is being processed”. When can I receive my order?
At the time of sending this message (by SMS or email), your order is sent to the warehouse for processing. Then your order will be collected and delivered to your premises the next working day. Please, note: orders are processed on weekdays from 9 AM to 6 PM only. Orders processed on Friday will be delivered to you on Monday or Tuesday. Orders received on weekends will be processed the next business day.
- I live in Canada, which site do I use?
For the Canadian residents out there, we invite you to our local branch website where we can take care of all your needs locally. Our specialists will answer your questions related to the product and services you can get in Canada, as well as get tips on how to save on your shipping fees when ordering domestically.
- How can I find out that my order has been delivered to the pharmacy?
You will receive a message (by SMS or email) “Your order No. **** has been shipped to your address …”.
- Our pharmacy has prescription drugs, can I order them door-to-door?
Yes, but make sure to provide a prescription copy for an Rx drug. Otherwise, we can provide you with medical consultant for issuance of such prescription.
- If I can’t meet the carrier on a specific date, can I redeem it later?
Your order is stored at the closest carrier warehouse 5 days from the date of receipt. During this time, you can pick up your order on your own.
- What will happen to my order if I don’t accept within 5 days, and where can I pick it up later?
If you have not redeemed your order within 5 days, the order is canceled, returned to the warehouse and disbanded. And you have to make a new order on the website.
- Can I contact the pharmacy myself and find out if my order is processed?
After you receive the SMS message “Your order No. **** is being processed …”, you can call the pharmacy on the phone number indicated in SMS or on the website.
- Can I change my order after I have already sent it to My Canadian Pharmacy?
Adjustment of goods, quantity, etc. after sending the order is impossible. You can make a new, updated order on patientcarepharmacy.com. When placing this order, put a tick “I have questions, I want a consultant to contact me”, wait for the call from a specialist and tell him which of the orders you need to deliver. A specialist will make sure to delete unnecessary order from your order history. You can also send us a message through the feedback form on the website.
- Can I pay for goods with a credit card?
Payment by bank card can be made at the discretion of the pharmacy, specify this information with our specialist on the phone or in online chat.
- Can I get an additional discount if I have promo code?
Sure, we often organize special promos for our customers. Please, do not forget to check our promo actions before making a purchase.